Why Xbox Live Should be Made free for All !

free xbox live goldHello Xbox Live gamers!! With the release of new games almost monthly over Xbox live it has become quite mandatory to have Xbox live membership in order to enjoy full experience of Xbox 360 gaming console. Xbox live has been a boon for die hard gamers. It’s like a new ray of hope for all of the gamers around the work. All of us are bored of playing offline shooter games on our desktop. Xbox live started a new era of gaming thanks to its interactive and user friendly Xbox Live market place. Users can purchase as many games, media, videos, songs, games extension packs on click of a button. It has made everything so easy as users can purchase all their favorite sitting in home. Now users don’t have to go to retail stores in order to buy their games.

All though Xbox live has so many benefits but of the major loop hole of this system is that it’s not free. The free version called Xbox live silver is available to all Xbox users but it has various limitations and it’s not of much use to the users. The full version is called Xbox live gold which is fully unlocked and gives users full control over it. Users are charges a monthly rental fees in order to enjoy full membership access. This is not liked by every Xbox gamer as its very troublesome paying a fees for teenagers from their pocket money. As most of the Xbox players are from age group 10-20 years; and the teenagers generally don’t have any source of income so it’s very cumbersome for them to pay these charges. Already there has been lot of criticism against this move by Microsoft but nothing has been done in this regard as of yet.

xbox live gold freeEven though the membership of Xbox is paid but there is a way around to it, so that users can access it without spending any money. Many gamers have found out ways to get Xbox Live gold for free by signing up at certain sites. There are certain sites on internet where one can get these codes for free in lieu of completing few advertising offers on the website. Actually the idea is pretty simple, Users makes revenue for the website by filling out certain surveys/offers and the website in turn rewards the users with free Xbox live codes.

The whole process is pretty straightforward and if followed correctly one can get the code in no time.